Command Line Interface

To start Ishmail from the UNIX command line, type:

ishmail [standard_X_flags] [name1[name2 ... nameN]] [&]

Ishmail accepts the standard X client command line arguments. Warning messages are displayed on the command line if unrecognized option flags are used.

X client option flags
The standard X client option flags as described in the X User's Guide. (Also see the X User's Reference for additional information about X command line options.)

name1, name2 ... nameN
The names of the mail folders you wish to open during Ishmail startup. These names are relative to the directory in which the command is being run. To make Ishmail look for them in your folder directory, add "+" or "=" before the name. Thus, the command:

ishmail +work +personal +projects
automatically launches the Ishmail application with the default In-box, or "system folder," as well as the folders work, personal, and projects if their locations are relative to $HOME.

The program catches and ignores all signals, except SIGHUP(1), SIGKILL(9), and SIGTERM(15). If a SIGHUP is caught the program attempts to save changes to mail folders, clean up, and exit gracefully. A SIGTERM works the same as SIGHUP, except that changes to folders are not saved. If a SIGKILL is caught the program exits immediately. SIGKILL should be used only as a last resort for termination.

After Ishmail is launched, it appears as an icon on your desktop. If you open the Ishmail application and then iconify it, the program remains active, showing one of three different icons, as shown in Ishmail Icon Bitmaps. The first, an icon depicting a mailbox with its flag down, is displayed if there is no mail in the In-box. When a new mail message arrives the icon changes to a mailbox with its flag up, its door open, and newly arrived mail. An audible alarm also sounds when new mail arrives. The third icon, showing an empty open mail box, indicates there are no new messages in the In-box though it may contain unread mail.

Figure: Ishmail Icon Bitmaps

Preceding Section:
Starting Ishmail
Following Section: License Management
Parent Section: Starting Ishmail
Contents of Ishmail User's Guide